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Ancell School of Business

  /   Saturday, December 13, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I just found out that the business school at Western Connecticut State University is named the Ancell School of Business. I don’t know anything else about it, but I sure like the name.

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French to Ban Conspicuous Religious Garb

  /   Saturday, December 13, 2003   /   Comments(0)

It appears that the French method of dealing with “religious pluralism” is to ban conspicuous religious garb. It appears that their means to accomodate people is to accomodate no one. Do they really think that this will help them?

I can assure them it won’t. For starters, the French, like many Europeans, have no doubt been contracepting themselves out of existence. The Muslims don’t do this. On top of that, you can bet that the Europeans don’t bother to evangelize much. Therefore, the Muslims will become a very significant force in Europe. If they are prohibited from wearing what many feel they are obliged to wear, they will form their own private institutions and be alienated from the rest of the population. As they grow in population (and they will), it could lead to unspeakable political problems. Then again, Sharia law may be preferable to the lives that many of them are leading now.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Pro-Aborts Threatening to Sue C-Fam

  /   Saturday, December 13, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I just ran across a news item that the Center for “Reproductive Rights” is threatening to sue the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute because they revealed the Center’s strategy. They are claiming that “irreparable harm” has been caused. Well, they are probably right, but they need to be exposed for who they are. They somehow think they should be immune from media scrutiny, I guess.

Meanwhile, Planned Parenthood appears to have had quite a heyday. Just look at the money they are making by murdering babies. Imagine if a hitman were caught who killed born children for money. Imaging if he made over $700 million. There would be great public outrage and cries for the death penalty. However, Planned Parenthood is allowed to do this and collect taxpayer money.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

What a Week

  /   Saturday, December 13, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I’ve had quite a week. I haven’t posted for a while, and I’ve found that, when that happens, people are more likely to spam my comments. I had several of those filthy posts to remove. When this happens, I just go to the database and remove them straight from there. I’m thinking of developing my own comment system in PHP. This would enable me to filter certain words.

I was called in to the federal building for jury duty on Tuesday. We sat on our posteriors for three hours just to be told that the dude plead guilty. They never told us what the guy said he was guilty of.

Other than that, I’ve mainly been Christmas shopping. I’m trying to do that during the week so that I have a shot at finding a parking place where I go, among other things. I really never know what to buy for my family. I know it’s pathetic, but it’s true.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Destruction by a Jawbone

  /   Tuesday, December 09, 2003   /   Comments(0)

The Word of Encouragement from Catholic Exchange is kinda funny today. It deals with the fact that Samson slew his enemies with the jawbone of an ass, but many people have since been killed by the jawbone of asses.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Solid Homilies

  /   Sunday, December 07, 2003   /   Comments(0)

If you are looking for a solid homily, you can check out this list of Fr. Larry Richards’ homilies.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

What Spirit?

  /   Sunday, December 07, 2003   /   Comments(0)

Bishop Trautman recently received the Fred McManus award by the Federation of Diocesan Liturgical Commissions. He gave this acceptance speech, but I think that this parody is more like it.

Nothing like a clique like “Do not quench the Spirit” when one questions questionable liturgical reforms. Given that he didn’t say the “Holy Spirit,” one wonders just which spirit he is talking about. While I would never want to quench the Holy Spirit, there are plenty of other spirits who could use a quenching.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized


  /   Sunday, December 07, 2003   /   Comments(0)

It does appear that Jeff Miller has done it again. I guess there are no brainwaves for sale there yet.

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Anti-Catholicism in My Comments

  /   Saturday, December 06, 2003   /   Comments(0)

I am starting to receive anti Catholic comments in my blog. They are currently of the breed who won’t even put their names on their postings. I’m not sure if I am even going to leave them on there, but I can assure you there is absolutely no logic. However, I can’t help but use this to have some fun:

mr jack chicks work is original, and you catholic like the guy above says, have copied mr jack chicks work to mock god. the catholic church has murdered people for 1700 years. your attitude as a catholic proves you people arent saved and are on your way to hell!

Ok, so it’s original. You could say the same about pornography, Communist propaganda, or anything that anyone wrote. I guess I could say that the problem with it is that his spin on Catholicism is “original” in the sense that it has totally distorted Catholicism, sometimes beyond recognition.

The commenter suggests that Victor Lams, the author of the linked-to posts, has copied Chick’s work to mock God. So, is Jack Chick God? The copies were made solely to mock the crass, idiotic work that this guy does. Does this really prove that we are not Christians? Show me where the Bible says that parody automatically makes one a non-Christian, and I’ll believe you.

Hmmmm . . . what about this murdering people for 1700 years? So, were there 300 years in our history where we didn’t murder people? Am I to believe that the hospitals and orphanages established by the Church were founded for the purpose of murdering people? It’s interesting how none of the Inquizitors have been canonized, but a lot of people who have done other work have been.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Add Trujillo to the Hero List

  /   Saturday, December 06, 2003   /   Comments(0)

A friend of mine and I have regarded Cardinals Ratzinger and Arinze as our heros. I think it’s time to add Cardinal Trujillo to that list.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

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