David Ancell / Tuesday July 09, 2002
It appears that the headlines for today reveal one more attempt to mobilize the laity. Well, ok, I confess that I’m just using this as an excuse to state my case. My case can be stated in one sentence (but because I have a big mouth I will utilize additional sentences afterward): If we entangle the laity in church government, we will take away from our real mission as lay people.
What I’m saying is that there is a neighborhood in which I live and a job at which I work. Who will preach the Gospel there? Do I really think my pastor is going to make regular visits there? He won’t because it’s my job to bring the Gospel there, and this job won’t get done by lay people who are more concerned about their voice in Church government than the voice of Jesus Christ in their corner of the world. Of course, there are ministries for lay people to get involved in, but they, too, should be oriented towards bringing Christ to the world.
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