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Update to Previous Post

  /   Tuesday, May 31, 2005   /   Comments(0)

I forgot to mention something in my last post. This whole gay and lesbian ministry was announced right on the heels of the drive for the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. This appeal is our diocese’s name for the fund drive that takes place to get people to give to the diocese. I used to give every year until last year.

Unless he has a wealthy homosexual or sympathizer sponsor, this is the last thing he needed while he is trying to get people to pledge money. There is no way in Gehenna that I would give a cent for this. I can’t fund immorality regardless of who requests it. I do take seriously my obligation to support the Church, but the first thing is to support the truth taught by the Church and not a cheap substitute. I wish I felt that I had a better option. I didn’t make the decision last year lightly. It was made out of genuine concern that the money had great potential to be used to fund things that weren’t in keeping with the teachings of the Church. If things improve, I would be happy to give again, and I will be happy to support any individual cause that does its work in accord with Catholic teaching (e.g. seminary fund).

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Trouble on the Home Front

  /   Sunday, May 29, 2005   /   Comments(0)

I learned last week that, much to my horror, the Diocese of Memphis is forming a new gay and lesbian ministry. Granted, this could be a ministry helping those who struggle with same-sex attraction remain chaste, but a reading of the mission statement does not suggest so. It is posted in the link presented in this paragraph complete with a story about how a man committed suicide because people weren’t accepting of his sexual orientation. Notice how the mission statement says that all the baptized in “the diversity of our sexual orientation” are called to participation in the life of the Church.

The Church clearly teaches that sexual attraction to members of one’s own gender is a disorder. People with alcoholism, drug addictions, or mental disorders such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia also commit suicide. However, no one clamors that we should accept these disorders, but rather we should treat them. Why do we think we should treat a homosexual orientation any differently? We aren’t going to help people by pretending that their destructive path is normal.

So, where’s our bishop in all of this? Well, I’m afraid that he’s here. I can only pray that he realizes the mistake. However, it’s hard to hope for this when the second paragraph in that article seems to imply that his view of the Church is simply a place to celebrate “sacramental moments” where God somehow just becomes a part. Whatever happened to the fact that the Sacraments themselves bring the grace.

I plan to write a letter. I will pray for those involved. If necessary, I will help bring this to Rome if I have to. I sincerely hope that this can be replaced with a ministry that truly helps people afflicted with same-sex attraction find true healing rather than an affirmation of their destructive path.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Cloning Your Cat??

  /   Saturday, May 28, 2005   /   Comments(0)

I know a few people who really love their pets. Really, most of them have great little animals. However, isn’t paying $32,000 for a clone a bit much?

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Trying to E-mail Me

  /   Tuesday, May 17, 2005   /   Comments(0)

If you have tried to e-mail me, I assure you that I am not intentionally ignoring you. My e-mail hasn’t worked all day. In fact, there were some problems on Sunday, too, but I think I got all the messages. My provider says they are working on it, so we’ll see when we get it back up. Hopefully, your message won’t be lost.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

On the Road

  /   Sunday, May 15, 2005   /   Comments(0)

Some of you may have read that I bought the Cingular version of the Treo 650 about three months ago. It has worked great in Memphis, but I had never given it a good road test. Well, now I have.

I have had quite an eventful weekend. Yesterday, my sister graduated from medical school at Mizzou in Columbia, Missouri. I travelled to the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, Illinois on Friday and spent the first night there. Yesterday morning, I finished the trip to Columbia to see my sister graduate. I’ll have more on that later. That night, I drove back to Belleville and will be headed back to Memphis this afternoon after Mass at the Shrine. It has been a great trip.

I am now blogging from the motel in the Shrine on my Treo 650. It is working really well. I have kept up with e-mail, text messages, and even made some phone calls. This is perfect for travelling.

Now maybe some people reading this would think I’m kind of sick for wanting to have my contacts and e-mail while on the road. I think it’s a lot of fun to give friends a play-by-play of all the fun while keeping up with them. Besides, I don’t like to travel up the roads these days without a cell phone in case my car breaks down. My car is now almost five years old with almost 70,000 miles on it. I know that isn’t too old, but things can happen.

Anyway, I’ll write more about the graduation later. I had a great time. I am so proud of my little sister.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized

Shall We End the Boycott?

  /   Monday, May 09, 2005   /   Comments(0)

I just found out on Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio’s site that Ebay has agreed not to allow the sale of the Eucharist. It is about time. They have also decided to make a determination of certain sacred objects that cannot be sold per their policies. I hope this doesn’t go to such an extreme that they won’t allow the sale of Rosaries, which is perfectly legitimate if done for the right reason.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized


  /   Monday, May 09, 2005   /   Comments(0)

There’s a new cellular phone store near where I go to Perpetual Adoration. It’s named “The Wire.” Hmmmm . . . why would you name a store that sells wireless services with that name.

Here’s one that a friend of mine and I like to ponder every year. In most places in the United States, the Ascension of Our Lord has been moved to Sunday. Well, what if you happen to be in one of those places on Thursday, but, on Sunday, you are in Nebraska or some other area that still celebrates the Ascension on Thursday? What do you do?

Well, okay, this is all really just in fun. I haven’t written in a while, so I had to come up with something.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized


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