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Trouble on the Home Front

  /   Sunday May 29, 2005  

I learned last week that, much to my horror, the Diocese of Memphis is forming a new gay and lesbian ministry. Granted, this could be a ministry helping those who struggle with same-sex attraction remain chaste, but a reading of the mission statement does not suggest so. It is posted in the link presented in this paragraph complete with a story about how a man committed suicide because people weren’t accepting of his sexual orientation. Notice how the mission statement says that all the baptized in “the diversity of our sexual orientation” are called to participation in the life of the Church.

The Church clearly teaches that sexual attraction to members of one’s own gender is a disorder. People with alcoholism, drug addictions, or mental disorders such as bipolar disorder or schizophrenia also commit suicide. However, no one clamors that we should accept these disorders, but rather we should treat them. Why do we think we should treat a homosexual orientation any differently? We aren’t going to help people by pretending that their destructive path is normal.

So, where’s our bishop in all of this? Well, I’m afraid that he’s here. I can only pray that he realizes the mistake. However, it’s hard to hope for this when the second paragraph in that article seems to imply that his view of the Church is simply a place to celebrate “sacramental moments” where God somehow just becomes a part. Whatever happened to the fact that the Sacraments themselves bring the grace.

I plan to write a letter. I will pray for those involved. If necessary, I will help bring this to Rome if I have to. I sincerely hope that this can be replaced with a ministry that truly helps people afflicted with same-sex attraction find true healing rather than an affirmation of their destructive path.

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