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  /   Friday July 12, 2002  

Anyone have a copy of Michael Rose’s GoodBye, Good Men? I have, but I’ve only read about two chapters. It’s interesting reading, but I’m a little suspicious of the sensational nature of the book. Here is a review from Culture Wars Magazine that seems to casts reasonable doubts on some aspects of the book. There is a selection of reviews that can be browsed from Catholic Exchange that seem to be more supportive of the book. Really, I don’t know what to think. I’m trying to get as many viewpoints as possible.

Don’t get me wrong, I strongly believe that the vast majority of problems in the Catholic Church in the United States today can be traced back to either a rejection of Church teachings (especially moral teachings) or a toleration of such rejection by people in leadership positions in the Church. It’s now part of my daily prayers that our bishops will exhibit bold leadership. However, I do not think that there is a need to sensationalize the problem to make a case. Let’s concede that there are bright spots when we see them.

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