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Another Appeal

  /   Thursday September 05, 2002  

Once again, I am urging my dear readers to consider action. As a pharmacist, I am concerned that one day I may have to give up my profession because I will not be involved in abortion, euthanasia, or other moral evil. Please consider writing a letter support the Abortion Non-Discrimination Act that is being considered in the House of Representatives. As a pharmacist, I can say that we are forgotten almost every text on medical ethics that I’ve read. We need protection, too. Although I am fortunate enough to have an employer who doesn’t deal in these products (we are a specialty pharmacy), who knows where I’ll be in the future.

It’s a bit disturbing to me that I was not able to find any mention of this on the Tennessee Pharmacist Association web site (of which I am a member). I didn’t find anything on the site of the American Pharmaceutical Association either (of which I am not a member). In fact, a search of “abortion” on their site revealed this garbage.

Interestingly enough, many people who consider themselves “pro-choice” do not want to extend that choice to health care providers. This is one more reason why I prefer the label “pro-abortion.” In any event, please support our pro-life pharmacists.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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