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Diabolical Plot

  /   Sunday September 08, 2002  

It’s late on a Sunday night, and I’m here pounding at the keyboard. Several thoughts are in my mind. Actually, some of this is always present. Forgive me if I’m hard to follow tonight.

As long as I have been Catholic, I knew there was some really strange disparity between what I read in solid materials and what was actually preached in the churches I went to. It seems like there was a lot of this “nice” Catholicism being taught. It felt pretty good, but something didn’t seem right. Eventually, I began to lament the fact that actual Church teaching was hard to come by. I rarely noticed some kind of blatant lies, but I rarely noticed substantial teaching.

I’m thinking about a thought that came to mind in a conversation that I had yesterday. We talked about a television talk show that was “nice.” In other words, it wasn’t the “I sleep with anything that has a pulse and at least one leg” mentality. However, it was a new age, secular humanistic kind of thing.

So what am I getting yet? I have this fear that it’s the “nice” stuff, rather than the blatant immorality, that is the work of the Devil. The Devil is smarter than most of us want to give him credit for. Besides that, the Devil is a gentleman. He tries to make us think evil is good. He knows that there are some people out there who don’t enjoy stuff that is obvious filth. However, many of those people will buy subtle, “nice” sounding ideas that actually lead us away from the Gospel.

Do you know people who think it is nearly impossible to go to Hell? Do you know people who make light of sin because of God’s mercy? Surely, you know people who have a rather rigid interpretation of Jesus’ words about judging others that they think it is wrong to speak strongly against evil deeds. These are all examples of potentially diabolical ideas. May the Holy Spirit grant us true wisdom.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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