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What a Day!

  /   Thursday September 12, 2002  

If you were looking for my blog tonight, I’m afraid I’ve not much to say. My brain is crispy fried. I had to do some work in Nashville today. I left here at 5 AM, and arrived at my destination at about 8:15 AM. I got home about an hour ago (about 10:45 PM).

So what is this all about? I’m grateful to the Lord for protecting me and getting me home safely. I just wish I had had more confidence in him during the trip. Well, one day I’ll get it. I’m not much on the get up early and then stay up late the same day routine. Maybe I’m just getting too old for this.

Well, maybe I’ll muster the energy to give you just a little food for thought. I desire very much to have priests and bishops in our Church who boldly preach the Gospel, including the difficult teachings. That boldness can also be used to proclaim God’s love. While we hope that the terrorists are stopped, God’s love demands that we hope for their salvation. At the same time, God in his love will forgive your sins if you come back to him.

To really understand God’s love, we must have an appreciation for the horror of sin. Then we can know how much God loves us, that he forgave our sin. Let’s not forget that the cross wasn’t pretty.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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