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Canon Fire Ahead

  /   Saturday September 14, 2002  

Here’s the New York Times on canonical issues with the “zero tolerance” policy towards “pedophile priests”. I think the paragraph quoted below says it all:

The canon lawyers’ most frequent criticisms of the American bishops’ policy are that it denies due process to accused priests, ignores the statute of limitations in canon law, defines sexual abuse too broadly, and imposes the same harsh punishment – permanent removal from ministry – on every offender, regardless of the severity of the crime.

As I’ve said before, I hope the Vatican bounces this like a basketball. Then, I hope that better plans are drawn up. I hope we will have plans, not only to combat the scandal, but to renew the Church. It may take years for renewal to begin; it will take more years for a full renewal to take place, but I’m not going to lose hope.

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