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Renewal Will Come

  /   Saturday September 14, 2002  

Speaking of renewal . . . . check out this article. I found it linked to on Amy Welborn’s blog spot, but she had a different take on it than I do.

I have a friend who is a seminarian for the Diocese of Memphis at Kenrick-Glennon Seminary in St. Louis, MO. I had the opportunity to talk to him about the scandals. He said that there is a lot of resolve among those studying in his seminary to preach the truth and live holy lives. Hopefully, this is the case all around the world.

Of course, there’s another important renewal that I hope will start . . . . my own. I hope that each of you are beginning your own renewal as well. If “We Are Church”, then we all need reform. I wonder if many dissent from Church teachings because they’ve never seen the joy of living them out. I know that I held some indifference to Church teachings until I came to Memphis and met people, including people my own age, who believed the Church’s teachings.

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