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Evil Billboards

  /   Thursday November 28, 2002  

There has long been a billboard for Planned Parenthood on a commuter road that says “We know where to go for answers.” Well, they’ll get answers all right. The only problem is that they will get the wrong answers.

On my way out of town across I-40, I saw an even more disgusting billboard. It has a picture of a woman making a muscle with her arm. It says “Back up your birth control with EC.” EC, of course, stands for “emergency contraception.” You might know it better as the “morning-after pill.”

Every time I pass one of those billboards, I pray for the people involved. I do the same every time I pass an adult bookstore (There are two of them along the highway from Memphis to Nashville.). I hope that one-day we can have a world free of such evil.

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