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Drug Commercials

  /   Friday January 03, 2003  

The NY Times has a good opinion article about drug commercials. As a pharmacist, I do have a bit of a problem with direct-to-consumer marketing of medications. Taking medication as though it were a fashion accessory is a bad, bad idea.

I do believe that the good doctor is being a bit optimistic when she says:

But most doctors, unlike patients, make their decisions based on clinical experience, and at least where I work, doctors usually greet these drug promotions with a dose of skepticism.

This is true in a lot of cases, but I have heard plenty of advice on medications from a doctor that sounds like it is straight out of the sales pitch of a drug company rep. Some doctors will prescribe a patient anything to keep them happy. I’ve even heard of one doctor who prescribed a medication because it was manufactured by a company in which he owned stock.

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