David Ancell's Virtual Home

Suitcase Unpacking Ceremony

  /   Monday January 06, 2003  

I did something today I haven’t done since September . . . I completely unpacked my suitcase!!!

I know that probably 99.9997% of the world wonder why in the world I am so excited about unpacking a suitcase, but I must say that after three months of solid travel, it’s about time. I go back to my regular 2nd shift at 1 PM today.

This also means that maybe I’ll stop getting these huge credit card bills. Then again, I can rack those up pretty well (often on Catholic stuff). I just got a bill for over $500. Fortunately, most of it has been or will be reimbursed by my company.

This will likely have the fortunate/unfortunate (circle one) side effect of increasing my posts on blogs. I’ve also found that by commenting on others’ posts, I can network with them better. I’ve gotten more references from others’ blogs this past week than from the entire rest of the time this blog has been in existence. I’ve also gotten comments from people whom I hadn’t seen before. I’m having a great time with this, and I’d like to thank everyone for visiting.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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