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Must Have Been A Penance

  /   Sunday January 26, 2003  

I just got back from Mass and RCIA class (I’m on the parish team.). I went to the 9 AM Mass, and I must wonder what sin we have committed to have been made to endure the music that they were playing.

The opening hymn was “Gather Us In.” It gave me an opportunity to notice that there is no mention of God in the song. Our hymn for the Presentation of the Gifts was a little (emphasis on “a little”) better: “One Bread, One Body”. It was yet another song about the community. During the reception of Communion, we heard a father and son from the choir loft singing “Here I Am, Lord.”

The worst of it was at the end of Mass when we sang “Lord of the Dance.” It’s sung to the tune of “Simple Gifts,” and it is just awful. It’s such a silly arrangement of the Gospel story that it makes me want to regurgitate. Why can’t we sing songs like “Holy God We Praise Thy Name” or “All the Earth Proclaim the Lord” or “Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All?” I would even settle for “On Eagle’s Wings.” I wonder if they’ve noticed that very few people sing.

The problem with this is that it is a serious temptation to get my mind away from the worship of God and onto how the music stinks. One of these days I hope to be able to just offer it up.

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