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Went to Praise and Worship

  /   Tuesday February 11, 2003  

Some of you may remember my previous rant on so-called “Praise and Worship” services. I wondered aloud if they were really just a means for Catholics to have a Protestant worship service. I wondered what the point was.

Well, since I’ve been working a different schedule this week, I decided to drop in on the praise and worship at a local church. I was, for the most part, pleasantly surprised. It took place in the context of Eucharistic exposition. Part of the Rosary was said. There were readings and a homily. At the end, some of the singing for the Benediction was in Latin. I think that a lot of this has to do with the highly orthodox priest who was involved. Is this the same experience that others have had with praise and worship?

The only things I saw that I really didn’t like were the hand gestures made to the songs. I’m a big believer that everything in worship should have an objective meaning, and I couldn’t for life of me figure a meaning into those gestures. The songs were great right until the end when they sang “Holy God We Praise Thy Name.” Unfortunately, afterwards they sang that “Dana” song “We Are One Body” that, as far as I can tell, has no real music to it whatsoever.

However, I enjoyed it a lot. The funny part is that I thought that I would slip in unnoticed, but my 14-year-old cousin was there. Needless to say, he noticed me.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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