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Ash Wednesday in Review

  /   Wednesday March 05, 2003  

For the third consecutive year, I went to Mass before going to work on Ash Wednesday and wore the ashes to work. I was surprised to learn that my senior manager did the same thing, but she didn’t get as many ashes as I got. My supervisor tried to take some of the ashes to put on his own forehead.

I heard plenty of comments, too, like:

“What’s that on your forehead?”

“Oh, it took me a second to realize what that was. I forgot about Ash Wednesday.”

“Do you know that you have a spot on your forehead?”

Now that I’ve been Catholic for almost 12 years, I think it would drive me crazy if Easter came all of a sudden with no Lent. Do Protestants just, all of a sudden, think “Hey! It’s Easter.” Easter wouldn’t have the same feel to me if it weren’t for the beautiful Holy Tridium that precedes it and the Lent we have spent in preparation.

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