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Does Your RCIA Program Do This?

  /   Sunday March 16, 2003  

A couple of weeks ago our new associate pastor taught the RCIA class on marriage. In so doing, he briefly expounded on the Church’s teaching (and by this I mean just that-the real teaching of the Church) on contraception. I think this is a wonderful start. Now, I hope to hear this on a Sunday pulpit. It will be difficult, but it would be better face the angry people than stand before God and have to explain why this teaching never came from the pulpit. Contraception is a sin that could result in loss of one’s soul. It ought not be ignored.

Anyway, this morning a friend of mine taught the moral issues class, and he brought the topic up again. He expounded on it in detail. People asked questions. I’m certain he had their attention. It never ceases to amaze me how people really want to know about the certain teachings and disciplines but how few people will teach them. This need not be so.

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