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Heresy on the Eucharist

  /   Saturday June 28, 2003  

This weekend must be rather Eucharistic for me. It must be so because I love the Eucharist. I spent some time this morning in a local Perpetual Adoration Chapel, and I will be returning to that chapel tomorrow. Always and everywhere, the Eucharist should be adored.

When I was three years old, I was in church with some family members. It was the first time that I can remember being in church. I saw someone put something into my aunt’s mouth, and I thought “I want one of those.” As I grew older, I learned that it was no small thing that she had received. I spent years trying to get what she got that day. I was a little less than four months short of my sixteenth birthday when I finally did receive, about an hour after my baptism.

I have always loved to pray in Christ’s presence there. I have loved to receive the Eucharist at Mass. In fact, I have a hard time praying at home because I so much prefer to be in front of the Blessed Sacrament.

This is why I hate it when I read trash like this Catholic Update. We used to get the Catholic Update every month in my parish in Sikeston, Missouri. Thankfully, I see very few of these around Memphis. I really wish that something better had been given to the people.

The article in question, despite the publisher’s proud proclamation that it has an imprimatur that is the work of an extensive review, is full of heresy. It says, for starters, that in the early days of the Church the Eucharist was “the people gathering in community to express their praise and thanks to God.” He goes on to say that the ancient understanding of the Eucharist is an action of the people. In other words, it is not that which was formerly bread and wine that are now the Body and Blood of Christ, but the people. In the author’s views, the bread and wine are only used as a meal to celebrate our community.

By the way, this guy is a priest in the Diocese of Rochester. Perhaps Jeanetta can give him a good swift kick in the behind. It bothers me that someone with these views is allowed to remain in ministry.

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