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Nonsense Detector of a Teenager

  /   Saturday July 05, 2003  

Here I am blogging from my dad’s computer in Sikeston, Missouri. We went out for 4th of July instead of the usual cookout because my parents didn’t know if their home renovation would be finished or not. My 14-year-old cousin whom I sponsored in Confirmation was here. He said something very interesting:

He told me that he didn’t like the fact that their youth minister made them sing that “high-pitched praise and worship stuff.” He said it would have been fine if they had just sung “church music.” He was talking about the praise and worship service that they had during his Confirmation classes.

What does this say for those who insist that they are playing their pop music for the teenagers? Well, obviously, there are some out there that do not like it. This same music is used at Mass for the high school students at St. Benedict school, and no one ever sings it. I know that my cousin doesn’t speak for everyone, but maybe it’s time to try some more traditional hymns.

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