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But We Like It-Type Spirituality

  /   Tuesday July 15, 2003  

I am not a believer in the “the worse it tastes, the better it must be for you” statement when it comes to spirituality (or anything else). However, I find that the opposite extreme (the better we like it, the better it must be) is equally wrong. Ultimately, we must do whatever is objectively pleasing to God. All other things being equal, we can choose what we like.

How many times do we hear an idea contrary to Church teachings, and the only response we get it “But I like [insert object here].” Further, sometimes a priest gains popularity solely because of his personality. In the south, it is especially bad. I dealt with people who were very popular solely because they have a charismatic personality. Granted, it’s great to have a charismatic personality, but there needs to be substance behind it. Likewise, in the spiritual life, it’s great to enjoy what we are doing, but what we are doing must be objectively good.

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