David Ancell / Wednesday August 13, 2003
I just started listening to a tape series from Fr. Peter Stravinskas entitled The Liturgy of the New Millenium. I’ve only made it through the first two tapes, but he has gone through the Constitution on the Liturgy and part of the GIRM. Fr. Stravinskas is a good teacher and relates his central theme of “Father, stick to the book!” that I wish every priest would do.
He made an observation that I made once. I told the Frassati Society that one way that we could eliminate or greatly reduce the need for lay people to distribute the Eucharist would be to eliminate giving communion under both species to all the faithful. It isn’t necessary that everyone receive from the cup, and it creates the need for more lay people to distribute communion, which really isn’t a funciton of laity. He said that the Vatican has been very clear that if the only way you can distribute communion under both kinds is to use lay people, then you are not allowed to do it. Unfortunately, he didn’t cite any sources.
Another theme of his is the number of things in the documents that have been thrown out the window. I’ve always wondered why the Vatican puts out their rulings and their documents, and then people think we can just ignore them. Do we think that the Vatican writes these things because they enjoy writing documents? Even orthodox priests do this. Why?
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