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  /   Sunday August 17, 2003  

Kevin Miller posts an interesting article on the Dormition and why Mary may well have died just like we do just before she was assumed. This would be one more way that Mary was like her Son.

I think he presents a good case. Of course, this is an issue on which believers are free to believe that either Mary died or she didn’t. We die because we sin, and Christ died for us because we sin. Mary didn’t sin, so it is quite possible that the effects of sin (e.g. labor pains, death) didn’t touch her. However, we know that she suffered as she watched her Son die the death of criminals on the Cross. Mary is called Co-Redemptrix for a reason. While the heart of Jesus was pierced by a lance, we read the prophecy of Simeon in Luke 2:35 that says that Mary’s heart will be pierced by a sword.

So, did Mary die before she was assumed into Heaven? I don’t know. I can see both sides, and the Church has not seen fit to settle the matter. However, I do know that she is alive, body and soul, in Heaven, forever reunited with her Son, Jesus Christ.

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