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Out of Step

  /   Saturday November 15, 2003  

It seems that the bishops are going to produce some materials reinforcing the teachings on human sexuality, including contraception. From what I gather, they will be a weak assertion (leaving out the fact that these sins are grave matter and can lead to eternal damnation if not repented of). However, I guess it’s a start. Then again, I’m not sure whether to praise the initiative or to be afraid that the bishops are more interested in being able to say they are teaching this than to actually teach it. My confidence in them is not what I wish it would be, and one reason is that they are afraid to bring forth the full warning of the seriousness of these sins.

While I’m on the subject, I have to comment on this line from the article linked to herein:

To some, there is risk in reopening the issue of contraception among American Catholics, who generally ignore the church’s teaching on it, and linking it to church teaching on abortion, which they are more likely to agree with. Doing so could strengthen the sense among many Catholics that the church is out of step with their daily lives.

I have two comments:

First, the words “reopening the issue” make this sound like this is a political debate. There is no legitimate debate. The Church’s teaching is clear and will remain so even if the bishops unanimously approved a statement stating that contraception is morally acceptable.

Second, and more importantly, there is this notion that many Catholics feel that the “church is out of step with their daily lives.” My answer is that they are right. The Church is way out of step with many aspects of our daily lives. That is not even the issue. The real question is: who should change? The real answer is: it is we who should change our lives! The Church is not a political party, nor is it meant to be an organization designed to affirm all of our personal choices. The Church was founded by Christ and can only teach what is received from Our Lord. Therefore, the Church teachings are the standard by which we should weigh how we are living. Therefore, if the Church is out of step, it is we who should get back in step with the Church. Not to do so will certainly mean the loss of our souls.

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