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Not Just a Holiday

  /   Saturday December 27, 2003  

I really appreciated this article. I just wish I had seen it earlier. I never noticed it before, but this year I’ve found it more disturbing than others. Many people are saying “Happy Holiday” or “Have a Good Holiday” as though this were the only holiday all year. My company has a “Holiday Party” every year around November or December. They are afraid to mention Christmas, although the DJ does play a song like “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree” which at least has the word Christmas in it.

I refuse to say this. I would rather say nothing if the choice were to be brought to me. We are not celebrating a generic winter holiday just for the heck of it. We are not celebrating Hanukkah (though it would not offend me if someone said “Happy Hanukkah”) or that made-up “holiday” named Kwanzaa. It is Christmas. Although the actual day is unknown, we are celebrating the birth of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who died on the cross for us and delivered us from Hell. Although not everyone believes this, the fact is that no one would be saved otherwise.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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