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  /   Saturday February 07, 2004  

Philip Lawler, editor of the orthodox Catholic World News, writes an article on why he doesn’t plan to watch the Passion. He doesn’t buy the garbage from the professional offendees claiming the film is anti-Semetic. He simply thinks that witnessing a portrayal of the blood and gore isn’t going to help his prayer and meditation on the real thing.

I do agree that the Mass is a far greater participation in the real Passion than watching the movie. I disagree with most of the rest of what he says. I plan to see the film at a reserved viewing with my parish. Our Frassati Society group leaders had the forethought to reserve some places for us.

Our Lord suffered publicly for our sins. It was, no doubt, by the Father’s design that this act of love was made public. While the Gospels may not have provided a lot of details on it, the reason may well be that, when the Gospel was written, people knew the details of what a crucifixion was. It was still in use as a form of capital punishment at the time. I doubt that the absence of 11 of the 12 Apostles from the scene was so much an act of God as an act of cowardice on their part.

I feel a great need, both for myself and others, to get a good portrayal of just what my sin caused. It is often necessary for me to utilize portrayals by other people to do so. Sometimes, the sense of the reality of it all evades me. I think this movie will be very helpful to that end. Will it be 100% accurate? I don’t think it’s possible. However, when watched with the mindset that I am watching the result of my sin, I don’t see how I could go wrong.

Can this portrayal have a negative effect on the unbalanced and immature? It’s possible. However, somehow I don’t think that this portrayal will portray the violence done to Our Lord as something glorious, as Hollywood often portrays it. I doubt that many who could care less about Our Lord will even bother to watch the film. I do know that I will.

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