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Ending the Shirking of Duty

  /   Thursday June 03, 2004  

It was quite predictable that those who oppose the teaching of the Church would be up the sexual abuse scandal whenever a bishop spoke on moral issues. I’ve seen it in several articles articles and heard it in conversation. Supposedly, the bishops have no right to deny Communion to pro-aborts because of their failure to control the sexual abuse of minors by priests.

What these people do not seem to understand is that the failure of bishops to denounce pro-aborts and their failure to control the sexual abuse of minors are related. They both represent dereliction of duty on the part of the bishops. I dare say that both are of equal concern. The sexual abuse scandal did not originate in a vacuum but came about because the bishops did not exercise their teaching and governing authority.

I do believe that these bishops who are demanding that pro-abort refrain from Communion realize the need for an evaluation of how they carry out all of their duties. Perhaps they realize the need to correct more than just the child sexual abuse scandal. This is not to suggest that the sexual abuse scandal is unimportant, but it is to suggest that the culture of dissent and disobedience that has spread in the Church plays a large part in the scandal.

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