David Ancell / Saturday August 07, 2004
Things like my last blog entry can drive one to despair. Therefore, it is necessary that we remember the younger generation of priests and seminarians. My parish is blessed to have a prime example of this in one of our associates. For example, this priest spoke about the priesthood, and during his talk, one of the cradle Catholics who was sponsoring his fiancee said that his view of celibacy was totally turned around. At one time, he viewed it as a curse. After hearing this priest, he viewed it as a gift.
One of the blessings that we have is that our baby-boomer priests appear to be at least somewhat tolerant of these orthodox priests. Apparently, that doesn’t happen everywhere. There probably have been cases around here of persecutions of some form, but I have not heard much. I do know that these priests are very popular with many of the laity. They preach the truth we hunger for. Not only that, they don’t see it as some kind of unnecessary constraint but as a cause for joy.
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