David Ancell / Tuesday December 21, 2004
It seems like my main blog topic is my PDA and phone. I have struck again with an order that I just placed for a new Dell Axim X50. It seems that PalmOne was dragging their feet in getting a Palm driver for my Motorola v551 phone or a Treo 650 for Cingular, so I went with a new Pocket PC instead. I tried it out at the Dell kiosk in the mall, and I was able to connect it to my phone right away. I will be glad to finally be able to check my e-mail from anywhere. I’m a geek, aren’t I? The only problem I have is that I may not get it for two weeks.
Of course, I have plenty of presents for others this Christmas. Ok, really, it’s been gift certificates. I am out of ideas. I’m not cheap, but I’m pretty lazy. I did manage to pull off a couple of suprizes on people, though.
In other news, I’ve still been getting a lot of comment and e-mail spam through these contact forms. I decided to fix this by not allowing hyperlinks in e-mail or comments any more. It will essentially block what I’ve been getting from ever being submitted.
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