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  /   Saturday January 21, 2006  

Ironically, I found the article on something posted by Diogenes. I make no secret of the fact that I strongly believe that Diogenes could much more charitable in his writings about our clergy. Perhaps he can learn from this courageous and charitable Dominican priest whom he cited. Fr. Brian Shanley did his homework to find out what he was up against, and he came to his conclusion and explained it in a clear and charitable manner.

My favorite line was this one:

Any institution which sanctioned works of art that undermined its deepest values would be inauthentic, irresponsible, and ultimately self-destructive.

Well said, Father. I hope that there are more of you out there who will become president of Catholic Institutions. We have long endured seeing supposedly Catholic institutions replace the authentic faith for a cheap substitute like this production, and I am grateful that you are there to bring them the real teachings of the Church in the way that you did.

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