David Ancell / Wednesday March 08, 2006
I can’t help but wonder why this “special report” was on the front page of the West Tennessee Catholic a couple of weeks ago. As far as I know, neither Senator Obama nor Congressman Ford are Catholic, and the article made no mention of what any of our priests had to say about it. For some reason, something just doesn’t seem right.
The article says that Senator Obama “raised the bar” in asking the ministers to “look more deeply at issues that needed to be addressed.” What was he referring to? He was stating that he opposed gay marriage but was wanting people to spend more time on other issues. Well, given that marriage is the building block of society, the issue does need to be addressed. Besides, this is a false “comparison morality.” Both issues need time, though for different reasons. Suggesting we can let the problem of people claiming a right to homosexual “marriage” slide while concentrating on social programs isn’t going to work.
However, I’m not surprized by anything that these guys said. What bothers me is that our diocesean newspaper chose to print it in the terms that they did. Given the one of the latest ministry developments in our diocese, which is still only explained to the people in terms that are so vague as to cause scandal, it’s hard for me not to suspect that this is someone’s agenda.
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