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I Am Still Alive

  /   Thursday April 06, 2006  

Sorry that I have not been writing regularly lately. I hope to be able to do this more often. I actually had some great thoughts that I wanted to record last night, but I seem to have forgotten all of them. My brain is only semi-functional thanks to the time change.

I am working on my Palm Sunday podcast. I bought a new microphone that I hope will make me sound better. I’m taking a new approach this time. Instead of writing and outline and then speaking, I’m speaking a bit at a time and then editing as needed. We’ll see how the final product comes out when I post it.

It’s odd to me how I’ve started now with suffering-related topics. I used to shy away from those. Then again, I did say in the beginning that I’m speaking to myself as much as to anyone else.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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