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Divine Mercy Sunday

  /   Sunday April 23, 2006  

Well, today is Divine Mercy Sunday. I planned to do the Divine Mercy Novena, but I forgot about it until I was a day late, and then I skipped a day or two. I’m never good about keeping up with a novena. Oh well, I’m going to keep going and at least say the prayers.

Right now, though, I need to get my podcast up on Divine Mercy. In my first podcast, I said that they were as much for me as everyone else as I need to heed my own message. Well, this is so true today that I can hardly write about Divine Mercy. My mind is just so messed up because of what has gone on. I can’t share it here, but please pray for me. Hopefully, I can get out a decent message. I don’t know a lot about Divine Mercy, but I love what I do know. I pray the chaplet during the 3 PM hour on Saturday for those going to Confession (which usually includes myself) and on Sunday for conversion of souls. One good priest once told me that the chaplet tends to be more effective when prayed for something else.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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