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Further Down the Slippery Slope

  /   Thursday June 01, 2006  

I just read this article, and it made me sick. I’ve blogged before about Governor Blagojevich’s executive order requiring pharmacists to distribute the “morning after” pill. However, he is now taking his agenda to a new low. He wants pharmacies to post signs telling consumers of their “right” to receive the abortifacient with contact information in case they have trouble getting it. From what I understand, his order also covers contraceptives. His bio page lists “fighting to protect Illinois women’s access to birth control” as one of his priorities.

I hope the voters of Illinois throw his rear end out of office in this year’s election. I also hope that a lawsuit causes his executive order to be flushed down the toilet. This is simply intolerable.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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