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Illinois Pharmacists’ Lawsuit is Not Dismissed

  /   Saturday September 09, 2006  

Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich’s executive order requiring pharmacists to dispense the morning-after pill has been met with a lawsuit claiming (rightfully, of course) religious discrimination. He tried to get the judge to dismiss the suit, but but the judge didn’t go for it. Judge Scott realized that this order issued as an “emergency” may very well have been intended to target pharmacists who object to dispensing these pills, which can easily be abortifacient.

This lawsuit may well have far-reaching effects. I hope and pray that the pharmacists win the suit. It will go along way towards stopping a potential trend that may make it nearly impossible for anyone with sincere moral convictions, especially Christian convictions, to practice in any health care field. The last thing we need in this country is a health care system that admits only those who are at least willing to comply with the Culture of Death, if not outright supporters of it.

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