David Ancell / Monday April 23, 2007
I have in the past brought forth how the Komen Foundation is diverting money that people donated for breast cancer research to Planned Parenthood. Needless to say, this prevents my giving to the organization. In the interest of fairness, I wanted to share what I got from Tennessee Right to Life.
There are five state associations that do not have a relationship with Planned Parenthood. Tennessee is one of them. So, if you live in Tennessee and want to contribute locally, you may not have to worry about unintentionally funding Planned Parenthood. Now, I’m not sure yet how this will affect what I decide to do. For one thing, this can change without it being publicized for some time. However, my main concern is how much they might be giving the national chapter. At this point, I haven’t decided to contribute to the Komen Foundation, but if anyone wants to chime in on the comment box as to why I should, please feel free.
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