David Ancell's Virtual Home

Life Still Going On

  /   Thursday July 17, 2008  

In case you didn’t know, I am still alive. I’m just having a bit of trouble finding time to blog.

If you haven’t heard, I took a new job last February. I am now working hospital, and I’m enjoying it. It’s not perfect, but it’s much better than what I had. I hadn’t felt like I was going anywhere in my old job, and almost everyone whom I knew seemed to know it. I had been so specialized that I really didn’t think I could do anything else. However, I am doing quite well in a hospital job.

I am working every other weekend, and when I don’t work, I go see my girlfriend in Ohio. I love her! As long as I had waited, I’m amazed that God would bring such a wonderful woman into my life.

I joined another local parish as well. Of course, I’m still Catholic. I had been working in RCIA in this parish for a long time because they let me teach, and I thought it was time I joined.

Things are going well. Maybe soon I can post a thing or two, but time is a bit limited.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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