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Podcast Episode 11: The Cloud and The New Mass Translation

  /   Sunday August 21, 2011  

At long last, I got Episode 11 of the podcast published.

Download it here.

I think my last blog post will tell you what took me so long.  In fact, I wonder how the sound will work for others because I migrated computers after recording but before finishing the post production.

This will almost certainly be the last episode before my son is born. Also, it’s my longest and probably my most technical episode.  These were both topics I felt I needed to talk about even though they are a strange combination.

The Cloud really can be a great thing for computing, but it has its drawbacks.  There are some definite advantages and disadvantages I wanted to cover.  The new Mass translation is something I first blogged about a few years ago.  This time I just weighed in with a concise explanation of why we need it.  Unlike others, I think we’ve been waiting too long for it.

Category: Podcasts



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