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New Translation, Day One

  /   Sunday November 27, 2011  

We made it through our first Sunday Mass with the new translation.  I haven’t been so excited about going to Mass since the Easter Vigil Mass on which I was baptized. If you search for “language” or “translation” on this blog, you’ll find that I have written several posts about it, the earliest one being in May 2004.  Yes, that’s right, we have been waiting for years for this translation!

Naysayers may want to call the new translation “stilted” or some similar less-than-flattering word, but I am convinced that our former translation was just too casual.  We are doing the most important thing we will do all week when we worship God, and the one we are addressing in our worship is the one to whom we owe everything.  For more on the reason I’m convinced that a kind of elevated language is needed, go here.

In my parish, everything went very well.  I did have one occasion where I responded “And also . . . and with your Spirit” as my wife cracked a smile.  That one will be the hardest habit to break.  There was no detectable rebellion.  Our pastor made a great effort to prepare himself, and he did an excellent job.  I followed along using my Daily Roman Missal.  The translation does flow nicely for one who is prepared.  I only found one passage that seemed a bit awkward.

I am so grateful that we are now using the new Roman Missal.  I’m even more thankful that Simon will grow up with this being the way he will worship God.  I’m looking forward to using this text for years to come.

Category: Catholic, Liturgy



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