David Ancell / Monday July 07, 2014
I have posted another Lunch Break episode.
One thing that I don’t hear much about is the obligation to rest on Sunday. Most serious Catholics know that we are bound under pain of mortal sin to attend Sunday Mass. However, the celebration of the Resurrection of the Lord goes beyond that. Sometimes we have no choice but to work, but we should do our best to keep the festive nature of the day and put aside any unnecessary business.
I’ve heard everything from “We don’t rest on Sundays anymore” to how we should go on welfare rather than take a job that requires us to work on Sunday. I’ve even heard someone say that they were told by someone that a nurse in the hospital shouldn’t work on Sunday because there are enough pagans to cover that day. None of this is correct. Hopefully, I can clarify some things about how we should observe the commandment to rest on Sunday.
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