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Parents’ Rights in Education

  /   Friday March 31, 2023  

I’ve seen on the news lately that the House of Representatives passed a parents rights bill concerning our schools.  It passed with all Democrats opposing the bill.  Some Republicans also oppose it, but I saw that at least one of them did so, not because he opposed parental rights, but because he opposed additional federal regulations in education.  For the people who did oppose parental rights, and I believe a lot of the naysayers do, one must ask why someone would oppose this?

There are many important concerns about what is being taught in public schools these days.  However, I would say there is a deeper issue that I haven’t heard much about.  If parents are not competent to know the educations needs of children, who is? How is it determined?  To answer these, or similar questions, we need to first answer this – who is education for, and what is it’s purpose?

In order to know what a child needs to know, we need to know the fundamental purpose of the knowledge.  Otherwise, we are aimlessly shoving academics at our kids with no real end in mind. This is something we really need to think about.

With this being said, I can’t think of anyone who would be better suited to direct the purpose of education than the people who love the kids the most.  They certainly will know and understand their kids better than education system bureaucrats.  Besides, if a set of parents messes it up, they mess up only their own children. The bureaucrats have the potential to cause an entire town, state, or maybe even the whole country to be poorly educated.

And besides, is there really an objective standard of what needs to be taught in a school?  How is it determined?  Are there things better taught by other means (I’ll say absolutely there are.)?

We’ve really got to think about these things.


Category: Catholic, Response



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