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USCCB Resource

  /   Thursday November 28, 2002  

This looks interesting . . . .

THe USCCB Committee on Pastoral Practices has released a resource keying themes from the Sunday readings to the Cathechism of the Catholic Church. I haven’t been able to look through it thoroughly, but if it is well-done, it will be a great resource for brining more of the Church’s teachings into homilies.

With that being said, I hope that more will be incorporated from often unpreached topics such as sexual morality (especially the immorality of contraception), the existence of Hell and the real possibility of going there, the horror of sin, the necessity of believing every teaching of the Church, and the need for more frequent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. I don’t want these to be the topic of every homily, but at least some homilies need to be.

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