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The War of the Liturgy Continues

  /   Friday January 03, 2003  

It appears that Jeff Culbreath ain’t giving up, and Michelle takes exception to his post. The link is on her blog.

I, too, have stated that I do not know that I would be Catholic today if it weren’t for the use of the vernacular in the Liturgy. At the time of my conversion, I was a teenager with a very different perspective than what I have now. It was only recently that I have begun to understand why Latin was used in liturgy. Today, I would have no objections to the use of Latin. Back then, or even just 3-4 years ago, it would have been too weird for me to comprehend.

So, was I Catholic all of those years. Of course I was! Even if a bias against the use of Latin is a disqualifying factor, it was pure ignorance.

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