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Praise and Worship

  /   Wednesday January 08, 2003  

Greg Popcak unveils his latest post regarding liturgical music. However, note that he compares a cathedral pipe organ to a “Festival of Praise” in Steubenville. Well, the only thing I’ll say to that is that I heard much of the “praise and worship” music at the Defending the Faith conference in Steubenville, and I can tell you that I don’t think that it belongs in liturgy. In fact, I was disappointed when I went there because that was the stuff they played.

However, I am really wanting to write about something else that related and that has been on my mind. I have seen some churches that offer these “praise and worship” services, and I wonder what to think. My own parish has one on Sunday nights, and another parish nearby has one on Tuesday night. The only time I’ve been to one is when it was part of another event I was attending.

I actually like the music when I’m listening in my home (not at Mass). I even listen to Trading my Sorrows (see Greg’s post), which could have been a great song if it weren’t for the silly chorus. Of course, there is nothing wrong with praising God; we should. I’ve been trying to incorporate more praise into my prayer lately.

However, I have mixed feelings about these services. While the basic concept is not bothersome, I feel as though they are Protestant worship services. In following that line of thought, I have to wonder where they fit in to Catholic spirituality. We already have the highest form of worship, the Mass. We have the Liturgy of the Hours, which is the prayer of the Church. Eucharistic adoration is available in many areas (including Memphis). So – my question is: What purpose does the “praise and worship” service serve? The only real problem I would have is if someone thought we needed something like what the Protestants have.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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