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  /   Monday January 13, 2003  

I doubt that anyone who would actually read this blog would has found someone who talked about how we need to build community in our churches. This is coming back to my mind as a result of a discussion that I had with a couple of fellow Frassati Society members last night at the dinner table.

Some attempts to “build community” can actually inhibit that purpose. For example, the “greet your neighbor before Mass” approach is something that I cannot find a cuss word bad enough to describe. Who is really going to remember whom they met five minutes later? One person I was talking to suggested that the holding hands during the Our Father was a means to building community. Of course, these things are the result of nothing more than a lack of catechesis on the liturgy. These are orthodox people as far as I’m concerned.

I agree 100% with Mark Shea that you cannot build community by trying to build community. We need more faith in the Real Presence. We need more catechesis on what it means to be the Body of Christ. We need to work together to build the Body of Christ, not by closing in on ourselves, but by our apostolate. When we do these things, we will have a community. We will be of one heart and one mind as the Christian community in the Acts of the Apostles was.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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