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Weird Liturgy

  /   Wednesday January 29, 2003  

I’ve been reading some stories of weird Masses that others have attended (here’s another one). Although I’ve been to Masses that were a little flaky, I have never seen the likes of what some others have seen. I have regularly heard things like “Happy are we . . .” instead of “Happy are those who are called to his supper.” right before Communion. I’ve never seen a priest drive in on a motorcycle for the opening procession, nor have I had a priest dress up as Superman. So far, the only Mass that I’ve been to that would qualify as flakier than a bowl of raisin bran would be the following:

I was at a parish in downtown Memphis. The chapel and church were being renovated, so the weekday Mass was in the rectory dining room. The Blessed Sacrament was on the mantle in a ciborium with a lighted candle next to it. We spent the whole Mass seating around the table in the dining room. When it came time for Communion, the patten was passed around the table with each person saying “The Body of Christ” as we passed it to the next. We got our own host out of the patten.

I never went back to that parish. In fact, I asked the priest in confession the next day if I sinned by going there. He said no, but don’t go back.

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