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What, That Was A Mortal Sin

  /   Thursday March 13, 2003  

I just got out of a book club at a friend’s house. Part of the discussion was grace. It was brought up that we cannot know for sure that we are in the state of sanctifying grace. It makes sense that it is a matter of trust in God.

However, I had one problem. How can one commit a mortal sin and not know it? How can one do something serious that requires sufficient reflection and full consent of the will without realizing what happened? The arguments that I heard were those of ignorance due to culpable negligence. I didn’t get much of a word in, but I couldn’t help but notice the number of times they talked about one choosing to not learn about something. If this is the case, then you actively chose it and therefore do know that you are culpable.

The other problem I have is the implication that someone could unwittingly go to Hell. What do you, my readers, think? Please comment. I’m interested in hearing what you think.

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