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Stop the Telemarketers, Maybe

  /   Tuesday June 10, 2003  

A friend of mine just e-mailed me this link on information on how to sign up for the national telemarketers’ “Do not call” list. It might be a great way to reduce those annoying calls. Perhaps the telemarketers will complain about losing their jobs, but they should remember that the main people who will get on this list are people who don’t want your calls anyway.

To be honest, though, I’m skeptical about how much I will really benefit. The reason for this is that banks and long-distance carriers are currently exempted from the law. The vast majority of telemarketing calls that I get are either credit card offers or long distance offers. The new laws seem to make it more difficult for them to call though, because the FCC is pulling the plug on their use of computer dialing.

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