David Ancell / Friday September 12, 2003
The Lord has given me another insight that I feel that I must share . . . .
Have you ever dealt with a religion teacher who thinks truth is a cuss word and teaches content-free religion? Have you ever dealt with a priest who preaches fluff homilies, if not outright false teaching? Have you dealt with a friend who consistently misrepresents that Catholic faith? Have you prayed for any of the above and found that they slowly, but surely, started to change?
Indeed, when we pray for the people mentioned in the above paragraph, we should not be surprised if we see a change. In fact, if we perservere in prayer, we should expect it, especially in those who are well-meaning. At this point, three questions arise.
First, were we grateful for any good that we did find the person was doing? Second, do we bother to take notice of the change, or do we refuse to acknowledge it? Third, what is our attitude towards the change? Are we rejoicing as Heaven rejoices over a repentant sinner, or are we resentful of the change? The answers can tell a lot about our motivation and our attitude towards a wayward brother.
If our attitude towards the wayward is resentful even in the face of the good that we see, then I dare say that our disposition is like that of Satan. Satan desires are condemnation, or, barring that, he desires that we not become as holy as we can be. However, if we rejoice in the truth and in the conversion of sinners, our attitude is like that of Our Lord himself. We should always rejoice in the conversion or spiritual growth of all people, even our enemies.
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