David Ancell's Virtual Home

Fun with Dial-Up

  /   Sunday November 16, 2003  

Of all things, I’ve decided to dial up on my laptop to see how well it works. I switched my cable provider over to Earthlink, and they have a Sikeston dial-up number. I tried dialing in several times. I could then access e-mail and even FTP, but the web browser didn’t work.

Finally, I found out that the web settings were configured to go through a proxy server. I turned that off, and it fixed the problem. This is the second configuration error that I’ve found in which I suspect Earthlink’s own software as the cause. The first was an incorrect SMTP setting that made it impossible to send e-mail. If I weren’t computer savvy, some poor dude in technical support would be hearing it now.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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