David Ancell's Virtual Home

Wisdom All Gone

  /   Wednesday January 21, 2004  

I’m sitting at my parents’ house recovering from the removal of my four wisdom teeth. Luckily, things have gone well. I haven’t even needed the Percocet that was prescribed for me.

I had quite an experience coming here on Monday. I was about ten miles away from my apartment when the “Check engine” light of my car came on. Luckily, I was right by Covington Pike where I knew there was a Honda dealership. I went in, and they helped me right away. It turns out that there was some problem with my emissions that Honda covers up to 8 years or 80,000 miles, so I didn’t have to pay a cent. Praise the Lord for that one! I was just a bit delayed, but I made it fine.

Category: Posts imported from Danger! Falling Brainwaves, Uncategorized



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